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25 Unique Homes of Chester; the book

Celebrate & share in the stories of these distinctive homes as we ask the question that anthropomorphises a building: what does a home want to be?

Chester, the walled Roman city, a cultural crook along the elbow of the River Dee. From Cathedral to the covered walkways of the Rows, proud home to England’s oldest racecourse, the Roodee. The Meadows, the Grosvenor, the amphitheatre and the cobbles. Amidst all of this, are the unique homes, that make Chester so architecturally special.

In the pages within, we’ve encapsulated 25 of Chester’s distinctive homes, each recognised in its own unique way – some bigger, some smaller, some rich in history, and others new builds, making their debut on the scene – to share with you the profound emotional attachment these owners hold to their homes, as they journey for a time with the house, becoming a part of its process of evolution.

Get your copy now!

We wrote a book!

The homes featured in this book are not merely grand homes, or period homes, they are homes that spark joy; unique additions to Chester’s landscape, each with their own story to tell.

front cover of book: 25 unique homes of chester by Lisa Curran of Currans Unique

I am passionate about Chester, and unique homes in equal measure, so compiling this book came as a natural progression, born of the two things that give me such pleasure.

And so, I could not be more excited to share this book with the world.

25 Unique of Homes is available for £25, +£5 shipping. Order your copy today.

Lisa Curran, director of Currans Unique, with a copy of her book, 25 Unique Homes of Chester
What the owners are saying

“We love the photos so much… you have captured my home perfectly. What a wordsmith you are… so true to our story.”